Mommy Life

45+ lbs Gained During Pregnancy: How I Finally Dropped the Weight

When I found out I was pregnant in February of 2020, I obviously knew and expected that I would be putting on some extra pounds. What I wasn’t prepared for, was exactly how much weight I would gain, the calorie requirements after pregnancy for nursing, and how little time and motivation I would have to ever lose the weight.

Pre-pregnancy Selfie ~Slim & Trim

Going to my first gynecologist appointment after my positive pregnancy tests, was both thrilling and exhausting. Being that it was my first pregnancy, I was taking everything in, and learning as much as I could, as fast as I could. I stepped on the scale at my first visit weighing 115 lbs at my 5’2” structure. This wasn’t my ideal weight, but it was a high-average for me. Less than 1 year prior, I was 103, which was quite ambitious but I had a huge motivator – my wedding and then honeymoon. As the doctor smeared the cold jelly-like substance on my stomach and looked at the monitor screen, I felt excited, and a million happy thoughts raced through my head. However, seconds later, she announced to my husband and I that our baby’s heart rate was very low, and that I should get dressed and go to the front desk to book another appointment in a week to see if next week, the baby’s heart rate is still there. Still there? All in what felt like one minute, I received both confirmation that I was truly pregnant, and then commentary that in a week I may not be. 

Pregnancy Announcement Photo 

My job at the time forbade us from taking an hour of our day to go to the doctor’s, so therefore I had to take the minimum requirement of a half day off. My husband went back to his job, and I just put the seat back in my car and cried myself to sleep. Three hours later, I woke up in the parking lot, smeared my mascara off, and drove to work. 

My next appointment was exactly one week from my first, and to say it was the longest week of my life, was an understatement. I couldn’t think of anything else except the appointment no matter how hard I tried. Consuming calories and carbs helped keep the edge off. I tried my best not to have any caffeine whatsoever for the baby, but then the only thing that kept me away at my work desk was eating snacks. 

Thankfully, my second appointment went smoothly, and my baby’s heartbeat was rated “normal”. The rest of my pregnancy wasn’t too eventful. I actually didn’t have any morning sickness which I hear I am very lucky for, although, while my friends were losing weight the first trimester from being sick, I already packed on 15 lbs. “A woman of average weight before getting pregnant, should put on 25-30 lbs,” my doctor explained. That sentence stuck in my head, and at the end of the first trimester, I knew I was in trouble.

Packing On the Pounds, Laying with My Puppy

I loved going to the gym after work, and would do so often. Two weeks after I found out I was pregnant, another thing was announced – worldwide – COVID. I took mask-wearing very seriously, but couldn’t imagine working out w/ a mask as I have asthma and it’s hard to breath without one sometimes, so I therefore placed a “hold” on my gym membership. A few weeks into my pregnancy, I unusually had some energy one day, and I tried a YouTube dance workout in the living room. My stomach started to cramp and I immediately threw up afterwards. That was the last time I worked out while pregnant. I was too scared. When it got warmer, I started to walk my dog. Walking is great for physical fitness, but when the pounds started piling on, and careful me would only go outside w/ a mask on, let’s just say by the end of the my walks in my hilly neighborhood, my dog was dragging me up the street, and our walks started getting shorter and shorter. 

Feeding & Walking Alpacas

I had a full-term pregnancy, and a due date baby! At my last appointment a week prior to my delivery date, the nurse noted that I have gained 45 lbs, and that I should try not to gain any more or I could risk having a very large baby for my small frame. Well, that was the last time I got weighed, but I am certain I gained a few more lbs that week; however I hid my house scale at that point – I was sick and miserable looking at it. The thought of being 160 lbs for my height made me absolutely miserable. Thankfully, I did not have a large baby. A small one actually, at 5 lbs, 14 oz. 

First Photo of Me & My Son Preston at Home

Being pregnant, I gave myself the benefit of the doubt. I was happy to have gained some weight as I know that was healthy for the baby, my husband was joyful to get me all of my cravings, including ice cream an hour before my water broke, and I kept telling myself, well, “it’s COVID”, so I had a double-whammy for gaining all of this weight. 

S’mores + Ice Cream ~ One of my nightly desserts during pregnancy

The hard part came after delivery though. I wasn’t expecting to just bounce back to my pre-baby weight in the hospital, but I did think a few months in, 2-3, I’d be back to my normal self. Boy, was I wrong! Having worked since I was 9 years old, multiple jobs, and 50+ hours all throughout college and while getting my master’s degree, I thought raising a child would be a breeze. I barely produced any milk, and soon switched from breastfeeding to pumping, and as suggested by my doctors kept my calorie count up to produce more, but it neither helped my milk production nor my weight loss journey.

I heard breastfeeding burns calories, but my son Preston would suck like his life depended on it, and therefore I turned to pumping very quickly. I would produce about half of his milk for the day and supplemented with formula. Pumping was taking up any free time I had, and draining the energy out of me. On top of it, he refused to sleep more than 3 hours at a time – yes, we’re talking around the clock. The thought of taking a walk, or exercising at this point, was just a funny joke. Then once my son did sleep somewhat through the night at 4 months, I conveniently had to go back to work full time. As soon as I got home, I would be on baby duty or napping. 

Trying to Stay Awake for Christmas Photos

Months later, things eventually got easier, but I was still unhappily at 135 lbs, I just sort of gave up. Until one day I took a solo trip to the beach, I grabbed a stick and drew in the sand “115”, large enough for any beachgoer that day to see. I told myself today is the day that I put myself first and address my health and get back down to 115 lbs. My overall goal is 105 lbs, but I know baby steps are what works for me.

Preston & I – Warmer Weather Hits New Jersey 

I made a few eating adjustments and healthier choices, and would walk once a week, and lost 5 lbs but that’s it, for months and months. In December, I had another revelation. I know I work full-time, I know I don’t use sitters or daycare, and therefore practically have 2 FT jobs, however I need to dedicate an hour to myself each day. I started plugging in one hour workouts into my daily calendar. I started texting my husband in the morning, this is the hour I need to workout, which would either be during my son’s nap time, or an hour my husband could watch him, as he graciously was on board once I explained how much it meant to me.

Weight training became my best friend. I made a gym in my basement, would go downstairs, set my phone alarm for one hour, and allow myself one hour to workout whatever it may be and to not stop until I heard that phone alarm go off. I asked for a Peloton for Christmas, and as I get bored easily, soon discovered besides just cycling, I could take their bodyweight, dance, abs, and HIT classes. I drank water like my life depended on it, started drinking coffee w/ low-fat 30-calorie almond milk and 2 stevia in the raw for breakfast. Lunch was a fruit smoothie w/ spinach for some fiber. Dinner I wasn’t as strict, and allowed myself whatever I wanted but practiced portion controls. I started incorporating my son into workouts some days, with Peloton’s family fun yoga classes, and YouTube videos in which the “weight” I would use would be my 26 lb son. I would volunteer to push the stroller whenever we were out, hold my son for hours on my hip (switching hips), and would force myself to walk with him to places that were within 2 miles of my house (library, Walgreens, etc.) I essentially created a whole new lifestyle for myself. Devoting the hour was difficult at times, but it was almost like a second cup of coffee. After the workout I would have so much more energy and would get things done afterwards in half the time. 

28 Months Later 

Today is my son’s 28-month birthday, and I’m happy to report that although it’s been a long, long, long journey, my scale (that I decided to bring out from hiding) read 113.2 lbs today. I’ve reached my first weight-loss goal that I drew in the sand this past summer, and at the first snowfall this winter, I’ll be carving my next weight-loss goal. Slow and steady, with habit changes and rituals along the way, I know it won’t be easy, but I’ll get there. 

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